Failure’s Assurances

Please read this like you could have written it and hopefully it will mean more to you, for probably many of us, if not all of us, could write this.

I fear failure.

And at times I truly have failed.

I have been deeply distressed by these two facts. 

What has given me hope in all failure or feelings of failure (and can always give me hope) is that God is and has been faithful to me, despite me. God has not failed me and promises He is with me.

The LORD even promises that in all things He (GOD) works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) God can turn the bad to good through His Son, Christ Jesus our Lord. So why allow fears, anxiety and their hinderances to stop us from moving forward?

Whether I just feel like I have failed or I just fear failure or I really have failed…what assurances God gives us!

The assurance that God will not fail me in His eternal purposes has consoled me, has held me, has comforted me, has given me a peace that nobody and nothing else can ever grant me. 

God is Good. His redemption is real. His love is eternal. His forgiveness is more gracious and merciful than we know and the more I experience Him and His lovingkindness and compassion, the more in love with Him I am and the more I want to show my love by my trust of, faith in and obedience to Him. May God’s Grace abound in us. 

This is short but I hope it ministered hope to you. Feeling afraid in general, feeling afraid of failure and feeling like I have failed when in actuality I haven’t can be uncomfortable, distressing and may create real anxiety. Worse, times of utter failure can be devastating. Yet, all this can be somewhat alleviated by knowing CHRIST’S PRESENCE, PROMISES, FAITHFULNESS AND GOSPEL REDEMPTION!

Sincerely in Christ’s Forgiveness, Redemption and Hope,

Deborah Mott

1-9-2025 Bradenton, Florida

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