A surge of energy and power came with the very first words. It was a warm welcome but followed by a series of surprising words and actions.
“While we want to celebrate, this Mother’s Day with joy and welcome and kindhearted affirmations to our Mother’s and Mother’s To Be we also want to recognize that today is a difficult day for many. Let us recognize this and pray: For those “would-be mothers” who have not been able to conceive… for those who chose abortion but now feel the pain of an empty place (missing child) in their lives…for those who grieve over a child or a mother or mother figure’s passing….or other related losses… for those that feel being a mother has been painful…or they feel they have failed at being a mother… Let us Pray…”
The pastor’s words and prayers felt anointed, held authority and launched the next unexpected action: “Now, men in the congregation, I ask you to stand. Even if you have not been guilty of the things I will speak of, will you stand in repentance for the men of our nation as a whole?”
Men throughout the audience all stand.
“LORD, please forgive us men for failing to lovingly care for and protect our women and our children.” On went a simple but power-packed prayer. “We REPENT, we ask Your forgiveness and redemption, LORD. We ask for healing of our women and our families. Help us men be husbands, fathers, leaders, servants—as You created us to be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Never had I heard a pastor lead a congregation like this before, especially not on a set aside “holiday type” service. A sense of wonder, joy and thanksgiving welled up within me as The Gospel Hope Christ offers of love, grace, forgiveness, mercy, redemption, restoration, etc.… was shared.
Having experienced an unwanted abortion in college that has marked my life with grief, I stood in awe of the Gospel Truth, Grace, Comfort… extended to me on that rare Mother’s Day in that church. That day I felt that the church leadership lived out Romans 12:15 NLT: Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.
There are so many reasons Mother’s Day can be difficult for women, subjects like unwanted singleness, abuses, miscarriages, mental health, mothers that may be “hard to celebrate”; those that did not have a mother in their life and other struggles were not specifically addressed. But an umbrella of care and consideration for women and all struggling on Mother’s Day was definitely heard and felt and the Gospel applied.
The Good News felt Good.
It is Good News to know despite infertility, God has a plan and has worked wonders in and through those that struggled with infertility in special hope filled ways. Those born out of this agony, changed our world: Isaac, Samuel, John the Baptist…to name a few.
It is Good News to be given the gift of forgiveness through Christ after abortion and be truly Forgiven–the debt cancelled–is great Good News!
It is Good News that believers in Christ have the hope of heaven. Despite the sorrow of death and missing our loved one(s) here, we will see our children and believing loved ones there. We still have great hope, unlike those who do not know Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 TPT (The Passion Translation) comforts me:
“Beloved brothers and sisters, we want you to be quite certain about the truth concerning those who have passed away, so that you won’t be overwhelmed with grief like many others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who died while believing in him.
It is Good News for believers in Christ that even the worst parenting experiences as the child or as the adult and even traumatic experiences/upbringings when recognized and taken to the LORD can be redeemed and healing can happen. People need to be understood and affirmed for their own particular story. Feeling touched by words spoken seemed to be a “blessing and a belonging” gift that Mother’s Day.
The offers of Hope prevailed that Day as God’s Love and Care and Compassion poured forth and Christ, The Gift of God, was proclaimed!
PRAYER: Instead of this Mother’s Day Surprise Service being a rare exception, may similar services be offered powerfully, effectively and frequently in our churches.May individuals feel included, understood, safe, and affirmed in their lives. May the hope of redemption and restoration be clear and inviting. May individuals feel God’s Compassion and Presence by God’s Spirit anointing prayers that touch and bless. May God’s Great Grace of forgiveness of sin by the finished work of Jesus Christ be proclaimed with passion in what Christ died to give: HOPE for ALL through His Resurrection Grace and Promises! May many salvations result and to God be the Glory.
JESUS and HIS FORGIVENESS are reasons to celebrate any day with joy!
C Christ
O Offers
F Forgiveness
F For
E Everyone
E Everywhere
Please check out “COFFEE: The Real Coffee of Christianity” that is like a cousin to this article.
Celebrating the gift, love and joy of mothers while also recognizing those that struggle with this day because of the real needs, losses and pain some experience on Mother’s Day is special. All have needs of forgiveness of sin, recognition of difficulties in losses and also happiness in successes of Women on Mother’s Day with a vulnerability, sincerity, repentance of men and prayer for healing, Unity and True Gospel practicality is a rarity in many churches but could become more frequent and the great treasure in the church, Christ died and rose to offer all such riches!
May God Keep and Bless You…!